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 You can view the Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ's ) about our products by clicking on the appropriate link.
  1. What is a Refrigerator?
  2. How does a Refrigerator cool?
  3. How is cooling preserved in a Refrigerator?
  4. Why does the Refrigerator make some noise while running?
  5. Why is a gasket required on Refrigerator door?
  6. How is the size of the Refrigerator decided?
  7. Why does frost collect in the Freezer compartment of the Refrigerator?
  8. Why in a Direct cool Refrigerator, always the Freezer is at top and Vegetable compartment is at the bottom?
  9. What do we mean by de-frosting?
  10. How much time does a Refrigerator take to form ice from water?
  11. Why do vegetables kept inside the Freezer get spoiled and why should they be kept only in the vegetable crisper?
  12. In case the Refrigerator is making rattling noise, what needs to be checked first?
  13. When should the control knob be adjusted?
  14. Why is the grill on the backside of a Refrigerator hot?
  15. Why does water condense outside the Refrigerator, sometimes?
  16. Why a Refrigerator should not be kept in direct sunlight?
  17. Is it essential to fix a stabilizer for a Refrigerator?
  18. What is the ideal place to keep the Refrigerator?
  19. Why does food kept in some Refrigerators have a foul smell?
  20. Why the bottles with liquids/ aerated bottles should not be kept in the Freezer?

1. What is a Refrigerator?
Refrigerator is a Cooling machine used to preserve the food. When food is kept in low temperature, bacterial activity slows down, there by life of the food is prolonged.

2.How does a Refrigerator cool?
A Refrigerator cools with the help of a "Refrigerant" which flows inside the system to produce cooling.

3.How is cooling preserved in a Refrigerator?
The cabinet of a Refrigerator is filled with thermal insulation material called polyurethane foam (PUF) which helps in maintaining a low temperature inside the refrigerator.

4.Why does the Refrigerator make some noise while running?
The Refrigerating system has a compressor which works like the heart to pump Refrigerant. The electrical motor inside the pump causes this running noise.

5.Why is a gasket required on Refrigerator door?
The gasket acts as a sealant when the refrigerator door is closed so that the low temperature inside the refrigerator compartment is maintained .

6. How is the size of the Refrigerator decided?
The capacity and size of the Refrigerator is normally specified by number of liters in terms of volume and capacity.

7. Why does frost collect in the Freezer compartment of the Refrigerator?
The air around us has moisture content. The surface of evaporator inside the Refrigerator maintains temperature below freezing temperature of water i.e., 00 C. Whenever the door of the Refrigerator is opened and the air outside the Refrigerator comes in contact with the Freezing temperature, the moisture present gets converted into frost due to condensation and gets deposited on the sides of the freezer compartment .

8. Why in a Direct cool Refrigerator, always the Freezer is at top and Vegetable compartment is at the bottom?
The Direct cool temperature works on natural circulation of cold air called "Convection method". The cold air always travels down and hot air moves up. This phenomenon helps in achieving the temperature desired in the Refrigerator.

9. What do we mean by de-frosting?
The frost formation of the freezer of a Refrigerator occupies the food storage space and also reduces the cooling efficiency of the Refrigerator. To overcome the effect, the compressor needs to be switched off from time to time, so that the frost accumulated melts and gets converted into water. In most Refrigerators, a defrost button is provided which should be pressed by the customer, when desired.

10. How much time does a Refrigerator take to form ice from water?
Normally a Refrigerator which is already running takes approximately 3 hours to form ice from water.

11. Why do vegetables kept inside the Freezer get spoiled and why should they be kept only in the vegetable crisper?
The vegetables have lot of moisture content, which keeps them fresh longer. If the vegetables are exposed to a temperature close to freezing point i.e., 00C, the water molecules in vegetables try to expand and destroy the cells in the vegetables. This results in loss of moisture, thereby sagging and rotting. The vegetable crisper in Refrigerator normally maintains around 6 - 10 0C which is the Optimum temperature for long life of vegetables.

12. In case the Refrigerator is making rattling noise, what needs to be checked first?
The Refrigerator compressor has an electric motor, which keeps running most of the time. This produces some vibrations. The Refrigerator is supposed to sit firmly on the ground with the help of four legs provided. In case, any one of the leg has not made proper contact with the ground surface, then there is a chance that the Refrigerator makes noise.

13. When should the control knob be adjusted?
Under normal circumstances, the temperature setting knob is kept in medium position. In case the food quantity is increased or substantially reduced, or if the ambient temperature increases like in hot summer, accordingly as per the usage conditions, the temperature should be set.

14. Why is the grill on the backside of a Refrigerator hot?
The Refrigerator works on heat exchange principle. The system filled with Refrigerant absorbs the heat from inside the Refrigerator and expels it outside thereby cooling is produced and maintained inside the refrigerator compartment but the outer coil heats up in the process.

15. Why does water condense outside the Refrigerator, sometimes?
Normally this phenomenon is observed in the monsoon season. During this period, there is high level of relative humidity in the atmosphere, However the Refrigerator cabinet is cold, and therefore the moisture condenses on the refrigerator body.

16. Why a Refrigerator should not be kept in direct sunlight?
A Refrigerator is a cooling machine that keeps working continuously to maintain low temperature. In other words, removes heat from the food items kept inside the refrigerator compartment. Sunlight increases the ambience temperature of the refrigerator compartment, thereby forcing an additional load on the compressor. Hence it is not advisable to keep the Refrigerator in the direct sunlight.

17. Is it essential to fix a stabilizer for a Refrigerator?
Every Refrigerator manufacturer specifies the voltage range in which the Refrigerator can work safely. For ex: - 160V to 270V. In case, in any location the customer finds the voltage fluctuations is beyond the specified limits, then a voltage stabilizer can protect the Refrigerator from any damage that can be caused due to low voltage or excess voltage.

18. What is the ideal place to keep the Refrigerator?
The Refrigerator should be kept away from direct sunlight, direct drift of air, moist surrounding and should be kept at specified distance from walls as indicated in the 'user manual' provided by the manufacturer. This will help in proper exchange of heat, thereby efficient functioning.

19. Why does food kept in some Refrigerators have a foul smell?
The cooling efficiency of a refrigerator depends on proper setting of temperature control, as per the quantity (load) of food inside. The temperature knob should be properly set to avoid low cooling in the compartment, which over a period will result in foul smell. The most important point to note is that the food kept inside the compartment should be properly covered / closed, especially food with strong odor such as garlic, onion etc.

20. Why the bottles with liquids/ aerated bottles should not be kept in the Freezer?
The water when transforms from water to ice requires more space due to comparison of water molecules. The pressure developed in the process can crack or even burst the aerated bottles with liquids. Hence from safety point, it is not recommended.

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