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Making Life Easier : Videocon Leasing & Industrial Finance Limited

Incorporated in 1986, Videocon Leasing And Industrial Finance Ltd., was taken over and renamed by the Videocon Group in 1991.

The company is engaged in lease and hire purchase financing, bill discounting, prompt receipts of outstanding and lease rentals, giving loans and advances, merchant banking and investment activities. It is a SEBI Registered Category I Merchant Banker and has underwritten over twenty-seven issues, acted as Lead Manager to two public issues and Co-Manager for a rights issue. The Company is also a member of the OTC Exchange of India.

Some of the Company's customers include Indian Hume Pipe Co. Ltd., Western Paques Ltd., Toshniwal Agrochem Ltd., V.M. Jog Construction Ltd., South Sea Distilleries Ltd., Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Ashima Fabrics and 20th Century Finance Corporation Ltd.

By Carefully assessing the credit requirements of potential customers before sanctioning any assistance, the Company has received all lease rentals hire purchase installments, etc. on time, achieving a 100% recovery rate.

The financial sector in India is undergoing a metamorphosis. Liberalisation and wide-ranging economic reforms have generated immense opportunities for established financial companies in the private sector. With its strong operational base, Videocon Leasing And Industrial Finance Ltd., is poised to seize these opportunities and forge ahead into new areas of business.

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