PRAGATI: 2005 |
TO: THE APPRAISER & APPRAISEe Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to inform you about the Mid Term PRAGATI (Performance Review and Development Plan - PRDP) Form for the period April 05 – October 05 (Cycle 1 – 7). The review will help Management to track and analyze the individual’s overall performance in the aforesaid period in relation to the JD & KRA compliance and categorize/rate individuals purely on performance driven parameters. The review will also help in identifying the potential areas which requires intervention and help us to provide the necessary support / assistance to strengthen the performance of the employees in the balance period of the year so that the Management Objectives are achieved successfully. It is mandatory for all employees to fill up this PRDP as the overall rating of Mid Term Review will also be considered during the Annual Performance Appraisal which please note. These forms are to be filled up after having an open / detailed discussion between the Appraiser and Appraise regarding review of the half-year’s performance & remaining period’s revised KRA’s & objectives. Further the cases of all employees ,who were not eligible for the July batch increments for not having completed minimum 10 months in the organization , will be reviewed and as per their merit suitable revision would be done in coordination with the respective HOD’s. In this appraisal we have implemented a weightage system which will help you to understand the respective importance of each KRA. In deciding the final rating the KRA and Competence weighted average will be taken in the ratio of 80: 20.For the convenience of the Sales Staff the product combination wise review form has been developed. In order to ensure strict adherence we have fixed up the Time Frame as under for completing this Mid Term Review Exercise that is must and mandatory for all.
The PRDP are uploaded in the HR Buddy in the www.videocon and are also uploaded in the EP homepage . You are requested to download the same and follow the aforesaid guidelines PRDP forms received after 20th December ’2005 by Corporate HR will not be considered for Appraisal process and Stringent measures will be adopted for Non Compliance . The Appraisers must share their views/ expectations/ observations/ Targets with total transparency and clarity with each Appraise without any reservations. The appraise must also share his developmental need without any apprehension. KRA of the Appraisee for the balance period 2005-06 (Oct ’05 to Mar ’06) should be mandatorily attached with the PRDP for the year 2005-06. Without the KRA settings of 2005-06 the concerned employee will not be considered for Appraisal. If you need any further information/ clarification please fell free to contact undersigned or get in touch with your respective Zonal HR coordinators / Ms Rinki Das / Mr Shyamal Saxena ( HO – HR).Also the respective Zonal HR coordinators will visit your Branch to facilitate the review process.
Best Regards, |
For Branch Head / State Head For Frontliners For Marketing For Zonal Head For Branch Accountant
For Support Staff |