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Samvad: Dealers Magazine
Arpil 1998 Vol 1&2

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Videocon : Now in Bangladesh

 A view of the audience. Mr. N. Gupta (inset) ,
Director (Marketing & Sales) addressing the dealers

Lucky draw winner receives an Automatic Washing Machine from Mr. N Gupta, as Mr. Nazrul Islam, Managing Director, National Electronics Industries Ltd., (centre) and Mr. Jacob Mathew, country Manager, Videocon Bangladesh (right) look on

March 13th , 1998 was indeed a very special day for Videocon . It was the day on which Videocon has its launch function at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel attended by over 350 top dealers of Bangladesh. On this occasion, there was an audio visual presentation of the Videocon group activities and international operations. The company's range of Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances was introduced by popular artistes of Bangladesh, Mou and Nobel who play acted along with the popular jingles of Videocon.

MR. Nazrul Islam, Managing Director, National Electronics Industries Ltd, addressing the dealers

The dealers present were highly impressed with the professional background of the company, its track record of consistent leadership and massive growth, backed by a dedicated focus on achieving highest technological standards and quality in all its areas of operation.

The function included a lucky draw, followed by a musical band and dinner . All together, a most memorable event for our dealer friends in Dhaka.

Videocon : Now in Bangladesh

Gala introduction to the Videocon range by Mou and Nobel

Videocon at Dhaka Exhibition

Videocon put up a very impressive pavilion at Dhaka International Trade Fair (DITF), which was held from February 22 to March 21, 1998. This mammoth exhibition had the presence of many international companies and was attended by lakhs of visitors, who had the opportunity of viewing the Videocon range of Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances.


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