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Samvad: Dealers Magazine
March 1999 Vol 1

Corporate Overview

Product Showcase

Ad Campaigns

Address Search

Latest Happenings


Techno Jargon

Frequently Ask Questions



Corporate News

International News

Dealers Meet

Product Lunch


New Products

New Campaigns

People Corner

Exhibitions Star Performer

Bulletin Board

Wonder Corner


The new audio campaign which commenced in Feburary 1999 was targeted at the youth of the country. This campagin received excellent response and postioned Videocon as a modern and tendy brand.




A new campaign was unleashed offering attractive exchange prizes for the Videocon refrigerator range during the period December ’98 to February ’99. The scheme received a phenomenal response.




Kenwood New Year Offer
The Kenwood New Year offer included a grand product unveiling of the Kenwood Digital Hifi range. The special feature of the offer included international airline tickets as contest prices, apart from televisions which were packaged as gifts with various Kenwood models.


Movie Sponsorships

Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda Sponsorship of the film Swami Vivekananda during November 1998, was Videocon’s humble tribute to a great soul.




Laawaris Videocon sponsored the film Laawaris which was released on March 5, 1999.



The Thin Red Line
The Thin Red Line Videocon sponsored the English movie The Thin Red Line which won the Golden Bear Award for Best Picture and was also nominated for 7 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. The movie was released on March 19, 1999.


Corporate News

International News

Dealers Meet

Product Lunch


New Products

New Campaigns

People Corner

Exhibitions Star Performer

Bulletin Board

Wonder Corner


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