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Samvad: Dealers Magazine
March 1999 Vol 1

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tv.comp - Multimedia
Goes Multichannel

Dear Dealer Friends,

The home of the future will see many changes. The dividing line between today's technologies of television and the multimedia home computer will merge through a seamless functionality. The era of digital electronics has set the pace for a rapid convergence of entertainment electronics with computer technology. And Videocon is proud to be right in the midst of this exciting future - with the tv.comp. - which makes "multimedia go multichannel". Read about how tv.comp. harnesses the awesome power of the multimedia computer and the grandeur of 25" Bazooka television to give you the best of both !

The soul of an organisation is portrayed to the outside world through its Corporate Identity. As Videocon approaches new frontiers of challenge, its effervescent spirit of leadership and innovation are recharged with a new dynamism and a global vision, which was communicated very effectively through the recent corporate leadership campaign. In sync with this campaign, all dealer signages throughout the country are fast being transformed to project the new image of Videocon: India today. The world tomorrow.

As we approach the new millenium, Videocon is making a significant thrust in the global markets of Middle East, Far East, Europe, Africa and U.S.A., making it the top emerging Indian multinational in Consumer Electronics & Home Appliances. Videocon India Festival ’99 has been a pace–setter in our global efforts.

When it comes to entertainment, Videocon is right up there - on the top. The 5th Annual Screen-Videocon Awards function at Mumbai on January 16, 1999 was yet another feather in the cap for Videocon. The prestigious Screen - Videocon Award is today recognised as the benchmark for excellence in the film industry and has been hailed as the ultimate award to aspire for. Sponsorship of the film Swami Vivekananda was Videocon's tribute to the great soul. Videocon also sponsored the film Laawaris; and the English movie The Thin Red Line : winner of the Golden Bear award for Best Picture, which was nominated for 7 Academy Awards. Videocon was sponsor of the star-studded week long cultural event Bharat Gaurav at the Swadeshi Mela, New Delhi, where our stall in the Swadeshi Mela exhibition won the first prize for best display.

For those of you who are internet savvy, there's good news. The next time you browse the internet, don't forget to visit the new Videocon website at Apart from latest corporate and product information, this website has a unique 'address search' engine to locate the nearest Videocon dealer, plaza, sales or service centre address. On the 'feedback page', product queries are automatically e-mailed to the attention of the concerned product incharge at Videocon.

Even as you read this, we at Videocon are actioning plans for a host of new generation products that will storm the market this year. Indeed, there are exciting times ahead. Stay tuned.



Director (Marketing & Sales)


Corporate News

International News

Dealers Meet

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People Corner

Exhibitions Star Performer

Bulletin Board

Wonder Corner


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